August 20, 2024 | Jesse Singer

Worst Foods For Your Cholesterol Levels

Bad Cholesterol

We've all heard about cholesterol, but what is it really? Put simply, it's fat that accumulates in your body. But not all cholesterol is created equal. There is what doctors call "good" cholesterol (HDL) and "bad" cholesterol (LDL).

Whereas LDL leads to a buildup of fats, HDL helps absorb them and get them to the liver, where they're taken care of. The link between high LDL cholesterol levels and heart disease can't be ignored. 

So, when it comes to taking care of your levels, these are the foods you should be avoiding (or at least eating in conscious-moderation?).

Cholesterol Food Split Image

Red Meat

This is probably the one that is on the tips of most people's tongues when it comes to food and cholesterol. But it's there for a reason, because red meat is high in saturated fats. And what do saturated fats do? 

They make it more difficult for your body to break down the "bad" cholesterol you're intaking which, if you're trying to decrease your levels, is obviously not a good thing.

beef meat steakMironov Vladimir, Shutterstock


Full-Fat Dairy

It's right there in the name...fat! Full-fat dairy products are another vessel for saturated fats, and we've already discussed how those can hurt you.

dairyGoskova Tatiana, Shutterstock

Meat Skin

We hear you. The chicken and turkey skin is delicious. But—as you've probably guessed by now—it's also replete with saturated fats.

Grilled half chicken with lemonTatiana Volgutova, Shutterstock

Processed Foods

Grab some chips and look at the nutritional information on the bag. There's a good chance you'll see high numbers next to the saturated fats and also the sodium. Not good!

Potato chips in open bagsweet_tomato, Shutterstock


Fried Foods

Fried chicken, french fries, doughnuts... all super yummy, but also high in fats. Including something called trans fats, which are a major culprit in raising those "bad" cholesterol numbers. 

doughnutTim Gouw, Pexels

Fast Food

This one is probably obvious given our previous discussions about processed and fried foods (two things fast food has in spades). However, it's still worth mentioning... and avoiding.

Fast FoodFoodie Factor, Pexels

High Sugar Foods

The negative impact of sugar is often associated with its effect on our teeth. However, a high sugar diet does more than just put more money in our dentist's pocket. It has some truly destructive effects on the rest of our body as well.

Consuming too much sugar causes a reaction in our liver that leads to an increased production of the "bad" cholesterol, while also lowering the amount of the "good" stuff. Two bad birds with one sugary stone.

cake on a plateKmpzzz, Shutterstock


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