A Popular New Kitchen Item
Air fryers are one of the most popular new cooking appliances to emerge in recent years. These devices easily fit on most counter spaces and can quickly produce a delicious meal fried to the perfect crispiness. Sounds great! But before you go get an air fryer of your own, there’s a few things you should consider.
How Does It Work Exactly?
The mechanism of an air fryer is simple, using a heating coil and a fan to allow dry hot air to penetrate the food. The air movement is similar to that of a convection oven. The food itself is inserted in a basket, allowing the heat to penetrate it from all sides, speeding up the cooking process.
Is Air Frying Healthy?
Air frying gives the food the same delicious taste and crisp as deep frying, but it requires little to no oil compared to a traditional deep fryer. Additionally, some research has indicated that the heat convection leaves more of the vitamins and nutrients in the food in comparison to deep frying in oil.
A Matter Of Convenience
The air fryer’s lack of the need for oil makes it easier to clean and safer to use than a deep fryer. The convection cooking mechanism leads to quicker cook times compared to deep frying or conventional ovens. They can cook a wide range of food items, including fish, vegetables, cookies, ravioli, and more. Some people even air fry whole turkeys! It can also be used to reheat food quickly, but without the microwave’s tendency to make items go soggy.
The Downsides
Air fryers do take up some space, so consider how much counter space you can spare and where you’re going to store your air fryer. Keep in mind that it vents hot air in behind, so you have to keep it out from the wall. Not all foods are suitable for air frying; covering food in batter is a no-go and will only make a mess in the air fryer. Cheese, bacon, and toast are some other items best done the old-fashioned way.
A Great Option
It’s pretty clear that air fryers have a lot to offer as long as you remember what not to put in them. If you like the taste of fried foods, or you’re more focused on being able to quickly whip up something tasty without too much effort, the air fryer is definitely something to check out.
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