July 18, 2024 | Allison Robertson

6 Things You Should Never Do At A Bar

Do’s and Don’t at the Bar

Bars bring out the best—and the worst—out of people. While most nights are fun and exciting for everyone, bartenders have certainly seen their fair share of bad behavior—from rude and obnoxious to just plain disrespectful.

Coming straight from a long-time bartender, here are 6 things you should never do while at a bar—and what to do instead.

6 Things You Should Never Do At A Bar - Single

Don’t: Snapping Your Fingers

The all-too-common wave and snap that patrons often do to get a bartender’s attention at a bar comes off as rude and, in most cases, it’ll get them ignored.

So, what should you do then?

Portrait Photo of Young Woman Calling a WaiterNicoleta Ionescu, Shutterstock

Do: Make Eye Contact

If you’re waiting at the bar and it seems as though the bartender hasn’t noticed you yet, try and make eye-contact, nodding, or raising your hand.

Bartenders are often busy, so be patient and respectful and you’ll likely receive excellent service as a result.

Portrait Photo of Barman behind Counter and a customercottonbro studio, Pexels

Don’t: Send a Drink to a Stranger

A common thing people like to do at bars is have a drink sent to a stranger they have an interest in. And while some people may be flattered by this, most others may feel turned off.

It may have been a thing ten years ago, but bartenders today say it should be avoided.

But, if you must… try this instead.

Woman in White Long Sleeve Shirt Holding Clear Drinking Glasscottonbro studio, Pexels


Do: Check With the Bartender First

You can send a drink to a stranger cautiously while still giving the element of surprise by simply asking the bartender to ask the person if it’s okay, first.

This way, the recipient has a choice to either accept or decline.

Man in Black Blazer Standing Beside Woman in White Dress Shirt in a Barcottonbro studio, Pexels

Don’t: Read the Menu Out Loud

Believe it or not, some people go to the bar, get the menu, and read the entire menu out loud as if they'd never seen one before.

Bartenders feel this is a bit obnoxious and annoying to other patrons.

Man in Green Coat and Woman in White outfit reading a bar menu

Do: Ask Questions

If you don’t know what something is, or you don’t know what to order, it is absolutely okay to ask questions.

Woman in a brown blouse discussing a menu with bartenderYAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV, Shutterstock

Don’t: Leave a Small Tip

If you racked up a tab over $100, don’t just leave a $5 tip. Your tip should be based on how much you spend, and be reflective of the service—especially if it was good service.

The waiter girl receives a tip from the client at the hotel barlunopark, Shutterstock

Do: Tip At Least 18% For Good Service

Remember, your servers work hard. The job is demanding, loud, and at times fast-paced. It is now recommended to tip at least 18% for good service.

If you didn’t receive good service, then a generous tip is not expected, of course.

Female waiter receives a tip from the client at the cafe or restaurantLysenko Andrii, Shutterstock

Don’t: Get Angry

If you go to the bar with a large group of people and fail to communicate with your bartender, things can go south real fast—especially if the food or drinks are delayed and you have a time constraint.

Photography of Group of people standing next to a bar counterPixabay, Pexels


Do: Communicate

When you go the bar in a large group, remember to communicate with your bartender and let them know what is happening.

For example, if the bill will be paid by one person, or split with several; or if you have to leave by a certain time. The bartender can then make recommendations for dishes that take less time to cook, etc.

Group of People standing to a bar counter, talking to the bartenderDarya Sannikova, Pexels

Don’t: Leave a Huge Mess

While this may sound pretty obvious, it still needs to be said. Don’t leave a mess on the bar after you leave—this includes soggy napkins, peanut shells, and obvious spills.

This is not only disrespectful, it costs the bartender more time to clean up extra mess before the next person takes your place.

Photo of black and white chairs next to a well worn bar counterBernt Rostad, Flickr

Do: Clean Up After Yourself

It’s fairly simple, just clean up. If you have a spill, at the very least offer to help wipe it up. Keep your peanut shells in a bowl or cup—if you don’t see one, ask for one.

Be respectful to the bartenders, as well as the patrons who come after you.

Whisky bar Grand Hotel Terminus Bergen NorwayWolfmann, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Understand Their Perspective

Bartenders are both problem solvers and peacekeepers. They have to be paying attention to everyone all at the same time, ensuring no one gets over-served and becomes a liability later on, breaking up fights before the begin, and so much more.

Please be patient and understanding when things get busy.

Cheerful female bartender making cocktail in elegant barAndrea Piacquadio, Pexels


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