February 28, 2024 | Alex Summers

Gourmet Instant Noodle Hacks

With a few easy tricks, instant noodles—a common quick and easy dinner option—can become a gourmet feast. Learn how to add simple touches to your regular instant noodles to elevate them to a whole new level.

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Easy enhancements

When it comes to instant noodles, the broth is the key to delicious instant noodles. Instead of using the included flavor packet, make your own with chicken or veggie stock, sesame oil, ginger, garlic, and soy sauce.

Add some fresh items to your meal to make it more than just noodles, like sliced bell peppers, shredded carrots, baby spinach, or sliced mushrooms. These ingredients boost the nutritional value of your meal in addition to adding color and texture.

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Improve the flavor

One popular suggestion online is to add protein to the boiling soup, such as chicken, shrimp, tofu, or a cracked egg, for a more fulfilling and filling bowl of instant noodles. This will enhance your overall dish and give it added dimension.

Spicy food lovers can try adding different spices and condiments, such as chili flakes, sriracha sauce, or chili oil, to your noodles to make them spicier. For an extra blast of freshness, try adding chopped green onions or cilantro.

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For texture and acidity

One of the most important aspects of noodles is their texture. To add a crunch, try adding crushed peanuts or toasted sesame seeds. Wonton strips or crispy fried shallots can also provide another level of texture.

Lastly, just before serving, boost the acidity of your gourmet instant noodles with a squeeze of fresh lime juice or rice vinegar. Add some toasted sesame oil or nori seaweed flakes to your food to improve both its flavor and look.


Get creative

With these tips, you can make a simple packet of instant noodles into a delectable gourmet meal. Don't be scared to get creative with your instant noodles when you want a quick and filling dinner.


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