Alex Summers articles

August 8, 2024 | Alex Summers

28 Foods You Didn’t Know You Could Eat Raw

Uncover 28 foods you didn't know you could eat raw. From meats like ground beef and chicken, to vegetables like bok choy and artichoke, find out how foods that are typically cooked before consumed can also be enjoyed raw.
Taste Internal
April 28, 2024 | Alex Summers

How To Develop A Good Palate And Develop Your Taste Buds

Developing and maturing your taste buds is not a practice that only food critics and experts in the culinary field do—anyone can enhance their palate through practice and awareness.
Greenland Internal
April 26, 2024 | Alex Summers

Greenlandic Cuisine: Whale Blubber, Fermented Seabird, And More

Greenlandic cuisine features traditional dishes made from local ingredients that are typically gathered from both land and sea; a showcase of the Inuit people's unique culture.
Healthyfood Internal
March 7, 2024 | Alex Summers

Eating These Foods Will Help You Live To 100

One of the best things you can do to extend your lifespan is choose the right foods and adopt eating habits that complement a healthy lifestyle.
Bucketlistrestaurants Internal
March 4, 2024 | Alex Summers

Bucket-List Scenic Restaurants Around The World

Dining experiences are about more than just the cuisine—they also include the atmosphere and scenery that come with the meal.
Instantnoodles Internal
February 28, 2024 | Alex Summers

Gourmet Instant Noodle Hacks

Learn how to add simple touches to your regular instant noodles to elevate them to a whole new level.
Trifle Internal
February 23, 2024 | Alex Summers

Rachel's Infamous Trifle Recipe From "Friends"—Would You Dare Try?

When you think of a trifle, what comes to mind? Well, I think of Rachel Green's trifle from that one episode of Friends where she messes up the trifle recipe. Would you dare give this recipe a try?